- Stop alcohol and drug-use. While this may seem intuitive, there are many cases that have been decided by the use of alcohol and drugs. In the court of law, alcohol and drug use are very significant indications of parenting; if you are user, you greatly risk your chances of winning the battle. The judge CAN use urine or hair tests against you. If you are a previous user and have successfully stopped for at least 90 days, provide the court with your own hair-sample test results.
- Stop emailing, texting, calling, or writing to the other parent. Often, information can be misconstrued in court. Even if the intent is civil, the other party can turn a seemingly harmless statement into proof of implied malice or aggression in court. Remember, ANY form of written or even vocal communication can be used as hard evidence in court.
- Get involved with your child’s life. Again, this may seem like a no-brainer, but make extra effort to spend time with your child. Attend basketball games, reach out to their teachers, introduce yourself to their friend’s parents. Get involved as much as you can. This includes prioritizing your life: limit your time out at bars and nightclubs. Responsible parents end up doing well in custody battles.
- Change your schedule. As aforementioned, prioritizing your life is a crucial step in winning a custody battle. If you work odd hours, or travel extensively, consider changing your schedule. If this is not a possibility, consider changing jobs. However, if you do change jobs DO NOT move without your children. Again, a present parent is a good parent.
- Reconsider your social media life. While Facebook and other social media websites are a way to keep in touch with friends and family, it is important to remember that some information can be publicly accessed. Be smart on the Internet. If you decide to keep your social media profiles, change your privacy settings. If you are unsure about anything, delete your profile. Remember, ANYTHING you have previously posted online is accessible.
In order to fully represent yourself in court, it is smart to play things safe. Be intelligent about your life decisions. Remain civil with the other parent, but limit written conversation. Dedicate your life to your children, and show that you care. In order to win custody, you need to put in the effort.
We urge you to contact a Tempe Divorce Lawyer at Simon Law Group today with any further questions. With over 30 years of experience in all areas of AZ family law matters, we will help you in any stage of the custody process. Call today at (480) 745-2450.